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Videos about Unforgivable


During a 2022 visit to the Netherlands, my mother, Meta, and I stopped by some of the places mentioned in Unforgivable. That’s how I can now show and tell you what really happened during and after the German occupation of the Netherlands.

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See these and more in the book!

Frits and Jan’s father, Frederik Evenblij

Jan and Frits arriving in the Netherlands

Children from the children’s home before the Jewish children went into hiding. Frits is at the bottom right, and Meriam, his cousin, is next to him.

Jan and Frits by their dying father, Frederik

Frits and Jan on the day they were left at the children’s home in Driebergen

Frits in the army (bottom left)

Uncle Henri with his girls, Meriam and Edith. All went to Auschwitz. The girls did not survive.

Keetie van Zanten, Frits’s friend, who died in Auschwitz. After the war, this child had no living relatives. Nobody to remember her, except Frits. He never forgot.

Sisters Deenik and Dermout, the nurses who took care of the children at the children’s home in Driebergen.

Frits’s childish doodles

Frits at school in Driebergen

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