From Idea to Page
Do you have an idea for a book but find it difficult to start? Or perhaps you’ve written the book but don’t know what’s next? No matter what stage you’ve reached in your writing journey, as the author of over 14 books, Dr. Crocker can help you take the next step. Invite her to your next writer’s event!
Dr. Crocker is clear, concise, and loads her talks with fascinating examples.
Caroline Crocker is a voice of courage. I’m happy to endorse her work and her writings.
Read My Writes
Otherwise entitled ‘From A to Z: What I Learned the Hard Way.’ If you love crash courses and insider tips, this talk is for you. Learn the easy way from someone who did not. You’ll cram how to write, edit, and publish your book, get a list of useful URLs, and be given advice on avoiding scammers. All you need, start to finish.
Listeners will come away with various tools to protect them from pitfalls and make their writing journey easier. Both beginner and advanced writers will find something helpful here!
From Mess to Masterpiece: Edit Your Way to Success
Writers usually love writing. Few enjoy editing, which is why I had to start over on the above-pictured book! But, if they want people to read what they write, editing is essential: content editing, copyediting, and proofreading. What should an author look for, how can it be accomplished inexpensively, and why bother? These are all questions that will be answered.
Listeners will leave knowing that editing is a necessary part of the writing journey and with an editing to-do list, including practical advice on where to find help. If they wish to be traditionally published, this may help them get an agent. If they want to go the Indie route, it will assist them in making sure their books look professional.
Marketing Mayhem: Selling Your Book
You wrote it, edited it, and it’s now published. But will anyone read your book? Not if they never hear it exists! Unfortunately, most marketing has to be accomplished by the often-introverted author. What works? What doesn’t? What is the cost-to-benefit ratio of the various options?
Listeners will leave with many ideas for marketing their books and will be aware of the pros and cons of each. It’s their job to implement them.
From Memory to Manuscript: Crafting Your Memoir
Most of us have gone through life-changing experiences: devastating illness, the loss of a person, career, or country, war, abuse, and more. We learn so much, but few know how to pass on the wisdom they gained. Learn how to write your story from someone who did it—multiple times.
Listeners will come away inspired to write their memoirs and with a definite plan for doing it. If time allows, they may even have jotted down an outline!
History with Heart: Writing Compelling Creative Nonfiction
As the child of WWII survivors, Dr. Crocker finds delving into the real lives of those who lived through the war fascinating. Between historical research, looking up ancestors, working out the characters’ emotions, and even “showing instead of telling,” there’s plenty to keep an author busy—and motivated.
Listeners who enjoy history will come away with a solid plan for how to start writing their historical novel. Those who have already begun may find additional ideas for improving their book.
No Code, No Problem: Building Your Author Website
Indie authors must create a website where interested parties can get to know them, read their blog, order their books, and see where they’ll appear. However, most authors are not web designers; web designers cost money, and websites need regular updating. Is there an easy solution to this problem? Yes!
Listeners will leave with solid places to go for help creating a great author website and a list of what should be included in it. Those who have a website may find more that they want to include.

Indie or Outie: Publishing Your Book
Until 1970, all books were traditionally published; now, we have choices. This talk will help the writer decide whether they want to be an Indie or an Outie, that is, independently published or someone who outsources the publishing of their book.
Listeners will come away with a list of questions. Answering them will enable them to decide whether traditional or self-publishing is best for their next book.

Writing for Family
When Caroline’s grandchildren turn five, they each receive a book written for them. It has photos of them and their family and tells the story of them–only them. Although these books are not generally available, they are treasured. If your group would like to do this, just invite her!

Caroline Crocker
Author, scientist, believer.
Invite her to speak at your gathering! You won’t be sorry you did.