Author, Scientist, Speaker

I. Caroline Crocker, Ph.D.

I am an immigrant born to an immigrant and on for generations. My parents are Dutch, but I have lived in Canada, Iowa, England, California, Texas and Virginia.

My career has been equally varied. I trained as a scientist: microbiology and immunology. Then I worked in medical research, college teaching, leading a nonprofit, and being a CEO.

Now I’m doing what I love most. Enjoying my eight grandchildren, gardening, and writing books. Adult books, big kid books, little kid books, and even a book on doing microbiology in your kitchen. Rambling Ruminations Books are all about truth that reads like fiction.

Press releases can be found below.

Media Exposure (incomplete; selected list)


Please note that some of my views have changed in the last ten years, but this list shows that I am very capable of making a splash!

  1. Interview by Fairfax City:
  2. Interview in City Scene, Fairfax:
  3. Interview by George Mason University Center for Immigration Studies:
  4. Guest post on Linda Rondeau blog:
  5. Guest on Podcast speaking on why writers should do their research.
  6. Finalist in the USA Best Book Awards for narrative nonfiction (Brave Face).
  7. Guest post on writing, Relax and Enjoy the Ride.
  8. Book award by Firebird Book Awards for Brave Face.
  9. Five star reviews of Clemmy Gets a Family and Clemmy Gets a Sister by Reader’s Favorites.
  10. Five star review for Brave Face by Reader’s Favorites.
  11. Unforgivable featured in Podcast, Jacqui Just Chatters.
  12. Article published about Unforgivable: Through a Child’s Eyes. “The Children Hidden at Driebergen.” Normandy1944.
  13. Articles published about Brave Face: The Inspiring WWII Memoir of a Dutch/German Child.
  14. Crocker, Caroline. “Pinocchio in College.” Teachers of Vision. 2013: LVIV: 2.
  15. Caroline Crocker Interview. November 2011.
  16. Mickelson, Jan. Radio interview. June 2008.
  17. Mooney, Kevin. “Intelligent Design Film Boosts Academic Freedom Bills, Advocates Say.” CNSNews. May 2008.
  18. Expelled: A “Must See” Film
    By Scott  Caroline Crocker, Dr. Michael Egnor, Dr. Robert Marks, and Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez; all top-notch, highly credentialed scientists   Between Patients –
  19. “Christian professor “expelled” for questioning Darwinism.” Concerned Women for America. Apr. 2008
  20. Arnold, Lori. “Expelled documentary explores Darwinism, Intelligent Design, religion ” Christian Examiner. Apr. 2008
  21. Bethel, Tom. “No Intelligence Allowed!” American Spectator. 19 Feb. 2008
  22. Expelled No Intelligence Allowed. Ken Miller, Walt Ruloff, and Ben Stein (writers), Logan Craft, Walt Ruloff, and Mark Mathis (producers), Nathan Frankowski (director). Moving Picture Documentary. Premise Media Corp., April, 2008.
  23. “What Happened to Freedom of Speech?” PRN Newswire. 22 Aug. 2007
  24. Wells, Jonathan. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design. Washington DC: Regnery, 2006.
  25. Vedantam, Shankar. “Eden and Evolution.” Washington Post Magazine. 5 Feb. 2006: W08.
  26. Bradley-Haggerty, Barbara. “Intelligent Design and Academic Freedom.” All Things Considered. National Public Radio. 10 Nov. 2005.
  27. Brinton, Henry J., “Darwin Goes to Church.” Washington Post. 18 Sept. 2005.
  28. Brumfield, G. “Who has Designs on Your Students’ Minds?” Nature 434 (2005): 1062-5.

Press Release for Brave Face

Press Release for the Clemmy Series

Press Release for Unforgivable

Press Release: My Everyday Series