From Lab to Life: Science and Medicine for All
Dr. Caroline Crocker has a master’s in microbiology, a doctorate in immunopharmacology, and much research experience. She also founded and ran a successful nonprofit focused on exposing scientific scams. As such, she is very qualified to speak on topics of great interest to thinking people.
The Beauty of Cells
Except through a microscope, most of us have never seen a cell. But they are absolutely incredible! Invite Caroline to your gathering and she will take you on a tour of the tiny, but amazing, world of cells. See how these fundamental units of life eat and excrete, recycle and hoard, and even build and use miniature railways! Find out why Caroline thinks biology is amazing.
The Encyclopedia in You
How does your body know that your liver should do liver things and your brain should think? Why does skin stop growing over the wound once it is healed? Invite Caroline to explain, in layman’s terms, how the encyclopedias of information each one of your cells is read and applied. You’ll go away feeling extremely smart–all over your body!
Alternative Medicine: Does it Make Sense?
Everyone wants to be healthy. But to what lengths ought a person to go in pursuit of this goal? Caroline, who is a trained scientist, a long-term believer, and a former NGO founder exposing science scams, will speak about the origin and scientific basis of various types of alternative medicine. What you do with the information is up to you!
Science Scams I Have Known
Are those instruments really sterile? Can face cream really make you look younger? Does eating antioxidants keep you healthy? Do vaccines cause autism? Does hyperbaric oxygen therapy cure PTSD? Dr. Crocker fearlessly goes where few dare to go, shining a scientific light on our favorite beliefs.

Caroline Crocker
Author, scientist, believer.
Invite her to speak at your gathering! You won’t be sorry you did.