The Joy of the Home School Conference

The Joy of the Home School Conference

My husband, Richard, and I just got home from our first-ever home school convention: Home Educators Association of Virginia (HEAV). Let me hasten to add that I felt a bit of a fraud, considering I didn’t home-school my children. In their day, it was barely a thing. In...
My Daddy is Awesome

My Daddy is Awesome

A few days ago, my 3-year-old granddaughter, M, came into the room, announcing that she is carrying the doll stroller because she is very strong. I asked her if it was heavy, and she easily confessed that it is not. Since conversations with this little lady are always...
What We Say Matters

What We Say Matters

After adjusting my wailing baby’s cover to keep the drizzle off his clothing, I continued pushing the stroller up the road. “Cathy, stay away from the curb!” “It okay, Mommy. I not fall.” I ground my teeth. Someone once told me that, as an adult, my toddler would be...
Cheating Made Me Quit

Cheating Made Me Quit

During the time of COVID, like many others, I taught on line. Microbiology to be precise. The students were instructed to break into groups to discuss a particular questions. As caring teachers do, I joined one of the Zoom break-out groups to check whether my college...