What I Wish I’d Learned in High School

What I Wish I’d Learned in High School

History and Geography I went to high school in the days when they were experimenting with “Humanities,” which meant to be a mixture of English, history, etc., but was actually a glorified form of applied psychology. I asked to learn World History, but the school...
Review of Yellow Face

Review of Yellow Face

Where can I begin about this book? I guess where so many things in my life start–with me. As an author, in so many ways, I really felt the main character’s pain. More than that, the book made me think. A lot. And, almost needless to say, I recommend it to you!...
Is it Good to be Proud?

Is it Good to be Proud?

I’ve recently seen a number of Facebook posts where people declare they are proud to be American or French or Russian or whatever. Because truth is very important to me, these statements have played on my mind. Why? Because I think they’re illogical. And I’m a...
Motherly Advice

Motherly Advice

“Hey Mom, what do you want for your birthday?” Who has heard this question and been tempted to answer this way: Maybe a moment of peace? A long bath while ALONE in the bathroom? To only have to dress one body in the morning? My mother, the heroine of Brave Face, turns...