Jesus Can Even Use PTSD!

Jesus Can Even Use PTSD!

This post was inspired by the teaching of Dr Peter Walker on the beach of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus Uses What We’d Like to Forget There are very few of us who don’t have memories that we would rather forget. Sometimes they sneak up on us when we least expect—or...
What is Truth?

What is Truth?

If you’ve been watching or reading the news, you will be aware that there seem to many versions of the truth, at least in politics. I’m not going to even try there–let’s stick with religion! So, what is truth? There are various philosophical theories about...
Pain. What the Point?

Pain. What the Point?

What do Martin Luther, Dr Paul Brandt and all of us have in common? Have you ever been in pain, whether emotional or physical? If you live on planet Earth, chances are you have been—or will be—at some time. We don’t enjoy pain and would do anything to protect our...
It’s All in the Details!

It’s All in the Details!

Details, details! I am married to a detail person. When my husband gets home, we have a cup of tea (he is very British) and share our day. That is, I talk and he listens. He may ask for clarification: who I spoke with (first and last name), where I went (store name at...
My Daddy is Awesome

My Daddy is Awesome

A few days ago, my 3-year-old granddaughter, M, came into the room, announcing that she is carrying the doll stroller because she is very strong. I asked her if it was heavy, and she easily confessed that it is not. Since conversations with this little lady are always...
Motherly Advice

Motherly Advice

“Hey Mom, what do you want for your birthday?” Who has heard this question and been tempted to answer this way: Maybe a moment of peace? A long bath while ALONE in the bathroom? To only have to dress one body in the morning? My mother, the heroine of Brave Face, turns...