by Caroline Crocker | Apr 8, 2024 | Faith
Recently, I noticed that our dog, Clemmy, was very interested in something in the backyard. Going out to investigate, I saw she’d discovered a baby bird. It was very much alive but evidently had fallen out of the nest while it was too young to fly. I gently picked...
by Caroline Crocker | Apr 6, 2024 | Faith, Science
I recently heard a preacher challenge the congregation about idolatry—using their checkbook as an example. Totally valid. After all, we do tend to trust our money will keep us safe, buy us happiness, and more. Interestingly enough, nobody got up and stormed out;...
by Caroline Crocker | Apr 4, 2024 | Faith, Mybooks
Not too long ago, I had a comment on a Facebook post about the book which will soon be out: Unforgivable. It went along the lines of, “That’s not a good title for a Christian to choose.” I beg to differ. You see, much of what happened during WWII (and any war) is...
by Caroline Crocker | Apr 2, 2024 | Mybooks
There are a few things I’ve known for as long as I can remember. First, NEVER touch Dad while he’s asleep. He’ll jump, shout, and might hit you. Second, Mom has a chocolate stash or two, and nobody had better touch them. And third, it’s important to unplug the...
by Caroline Crocker | Mar 31, 2024 | Faith, Mybooks
I recently read a tweet that asked if the truth really sets us free. Oh, I know that Jesus said it in Jn 8:32, so it must be true. But in what sense did He mean it? I’m currently working on a book about my father’s childhood. In it, his father is diagnosed with a...