Our Day in Pella

Our Day in Pella

Imagine you’re an author. Imagine being told that every time the bookshop ordered more books, they sold. Imagine the owner telling you your book is awesome and should be everywhere. Yeah. Pella was a dream come true. Read more and see the photos...
Iowa Adventures

Iowa Adventures

On Tuesday I checked the weather in preparation for my flight to Iowa–the forecast included tornados and thunderstorms. After some nail-biting, my mother and I decided to risk it. We boarded the plane to NY, quickly changed planes, and landed in Des Moines on...
Unforgivable is in Demand!

Unforgivable is in Demand!

Just yesterday, a Fairfax librarian told me they’d ordered five copies of Unforgivable. They told their patrons through the newsletter and a week later seven people are waiting! Kind of reminds me of how The Curiosity Shop in Pella sold out in only days! Click...
No Fear

No Fear

Remember this slogan? It used to be everywhere–shirts, folders, posters. Well, it was thirty years ago, so maybe not. For me, that was only yesterday. Once my bulldog Clemmy was sniffing around when the neighbor dropped a rake. Clemmy jumped in the air and ran back to...
Worth Being Obsessed With?

Worth Being Obsessed With?

I recently saw a headline announcing that some Hollywood star is obsessed with her face cream. Having never experienced this particular obsession, I looked it up on the almighty Google. Apparently, a lot of people are. WHAT??? Obsession is defined as a thought that...