Ignorance Isn’t Always Bliss

Ignorance Isn’t Always Bliss

While cleaning out Mom’s home, we came across my father’s baby book. Those who read his story will know, but for those who haven’t, Dad was born in the Belgian Congo in 1933. His father worked as an accountant on the Capetown to Cairo railway. His mother was the...
We Had to Do it, So We Did!

We Had to Do it, So We Did!

Eventually, almost everyone has to do it. My husband never had to because he emigrated from England, leaving his family behind. He’s the exception. My siblings and I just finished doing it, and my husband helped. We spent over two weeks working constantly—and are so...
A New Way to Sell–and Buy

A New Way to Sell–and Buy

Ingram Spark is offering a new feature (at least new to me). They will allow customers to order directly from them, cutting out the middle man, being the online retailers. Why should you care? Because that means you can get my books for less than they cost on Amazon...
The Joy of the Home School Conference

The Joy of the Home School Conference

My husband, Richard, and I just got home from our first-ever home school convention: Home Educators Association of Virginia (HEAV). Let me hasten to add that I felt a bit of a fraud, considering I didn’t home-school my children. In their day, it was barely a thing. In...
Fairfax Library Event

Fairfax Library Event

Phew! Do you ever have seasons of life where, in retrospect, you realize that you just might have bitten off more than you can chew? Yeah. That. This has been quite a couple of months!  On Sunday, the Fairfax Library cosponsored a book reading and signing of...