Lay Your Burdens Down

Lay Your Burdens Down

The doctor steepled his hands. “You’re showing signs of pre-eclampsia. If you don’t rest, we’ll have to bring you into the hospital for the next two months.” I bounced my 13-month-old daughter on my lap. “Doctor, we have our meals in college with my husband. Is it...
Als De Boom Kon Spreken

Als De Boom Kon Spreken

“Frits, stop met je belachelijke gepruts!” De schrille stem van zuster Dermout deed me opschrikken. “We hebben bijna geen brandhout meer. Ga nu. Zoek wat voordat het donker wordt.” Ik keek naar buiten. De zon stond laag aan de hemel, maar ik wist beter dan te...
Pedicure-Lovers Beware!

Pedicure-Lovers Beware!

Over the summer, I had TWO infections as a result of having a pedicure. Did I stop? No. I changed salons to a place where the chairs overlook the “sanitizing stations,” each with a UV sterilizer. The sterilizers were full of instruments carefully enclosed in sealed...
Sinterklaas Candy

Sinterklaas Candy

Mom moved in with us about five months ago. She will be 90 in January, so it seemed like a good time. Since then, we’ve been working on arranging the sale of her house—and now it’s done! So, what’s Mom doing with all her spare time? First, a cruise in the Bahamas....
Hearing Aid Scammers

Hearing Aid Scammers

Soon after we married, I sent my husband for a hearing test. He couldn’t hear me say, “Could you change the baby–he’s poopy!” Strangely, his hearing was found to be perfect. The mystery was never solved. Fast forward about 40 years. My...