Cheating Made Me Quit

Cheating Made Me Quit

During the time of COVID, like many others, I taught on line. Microbiology to be precise. The students were instructed to break into groups to discuss a particular questions. As caring teachers do, I joined one of the Zoom break-out groups to check whether my college...
Is the Bible True?

Is the Bible True?

Many years ago, I went to a conference in the often not-so-sunny Vancouver called God’s Word Written. The topic was the “truthfulness, dependability and power of the Bible.” I figured I probably wouldn’t hear anything new, but that it would just be a good review. I...
Do Placebos Work?

Do Placebos Work?

Moms, dads and grandparents are known for kissing it better. And, even though, as adults, we are aware that there is no scientific basis for the resultant positive experience, how many of us would attest that being consoled does not make us feel better, even when the...
Teach Us to Pray

Teach Us to Pray

It’s 2024, a new year, and those of us who practice a faith may well be starting the year with prayer. Perhaps about upcoming changes; perhaps about our dreams and goals; perhaps about the state of the world.  But, how do we pray? Are our prayers effective? Is...
A Brand New Website!

A Brand New Website!

I wear lots of hats: I’m an author, a scientist, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a grandmother, and a Bible-believer. I love to ruminate on all kinds of things. Sometimes those ruminations are rather rambling. Thus, this website, which has my main blog, and my...