by Caroline Crocker | Jan 31, 2024 | Bible
Have you ever been in a car wreck? If so, the incident probably stands out in your memory as if it happened yesterday. My first accident occurred just after I’d just dropped my eldest children off at school while I was taking the youngest to nursery. It was winter in...
by Caroline Crocker | Jan 29, 2024 | Mybooks
I am the granddaughter of a German lady who immigrated to the Netherlands in her teens. I am also the granddaughter of a half-Jewish woman whose nieces, nephew, and sister-in-law were killed upon arrival in Auschwitz. Her Jewish fiance was a member of the Resistance...
by Caroline Crocker | Jan 28, 2024 | Science
The student was obviously frustrated, “Well, they look square to me!” We had been having a discussion about the shape of the onion cells (they are elongated). Being an experienced teacher and seeing the incorrect notation in her lab write-up, I suspected that she had...
by Caroline Crocker | Jan 26, 2024 | Teaching
After adjusting my wailing baby’s cover to keep the drizzle off his clothing, I continued pushing the stroller up the road. “Cathy, stay away from the curb!” “It okay, Mommy. I not fall.” I ground my teeth. Someone once told me that, as an adult, my toddler would be...
by Caroline Crocker | Jan 25, 2024 | Faith, Other
“Hey Mom, what do you want for your birthday?” Who has heard this question and been tempted to answer this way: Maybe a moment of peace? A long bath while ALONE in the bathroom? To only have to dress one body in the morning? My mother, the heroine of Brave Face, turns...