Confessions of a Crackpot

Confessions of a Crackpot

The Canadian pastor sadly described his descent into a breakdown to a room full of people in ministry. First, he found himself unable to focus and losing sleep. Then, he had stomach problems and palpitations. He found he was angry—deep down. Eventually, he found he...
The Cruelty of the Prosperity Gospel

The Cruelty of the Prosperity Gospel

For a little while, I was a moderator for a Christian Facebook group that boasts of over 20,000 members. What a privilege and a responsibility! Sometimes, the work was relatively easy—approving (or not) those who are requesting to join the group. Sometimes, it was...
Jesus Can Even Use PTSD!

Jesus Can Even Use PTSD!

This post was inspired by the teaching of Dr Peter Walker on the beach of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus Uses What We’d Like to Forget There are very few of us who don’t have memories that we would rather forget. Sometimes they sneak up on us when we least expect—or...
Why Do Vaccinated People Get the Disease?

Why Do Vaccinated People Get the Disease?

I’ve been vaccinated, boosted, and reboosted. I’ve had COVID at least four times. It sure LOOKS like vaccines don’t work. OR maybe there is something wrong with my immune system? Neither. Allow me to explain. Information is Power The War The...
Why be Vaccinated?

Why be Vaccinated?

I heard it again and again. Probably you did, too. “It’s just a cold! The dangers are being overblown by the media.” “When it’s my turn, I’ll be standing in line with bells on.” “No way am I going to let them vaccinate me with something experimental.” “Having the...